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How to Make Money as a Ghost Writer

Become a Ghostwriting Superstar: Earn Big by Crafting Compelling Content for Clients

Introduction: How to Become a Ghostwriter

Ghostwriting is a hidden yet highly rewarding profession where writers create content for others, who then publish it under their own names. 

This article will guide you on how to make money as a ghostwriter, highlighting key strategies, essential skills, and lucrative opportunities in this secretive field.

Understanding Ghostwriting: 

Ghostwriting involves writing books, articles, blog posts, speeches, and more for clients who take credit for the work. It's a behind-the-scenes role that requires anonymity, allowing the client to appear as the author.

Essential Skills for Ghostwriters:

  1. Versatility: Ability to write in different voices and styles.
  2. Research: Conducting thorough research to ensure accuracy.
  3. Confidentiality: Maintaining client privacy and respecting non-disclosure agreements.
  4. Communication: Understanding client requirements and feedback.
  5. Project Management: Managing deadlines and multiple projects.

Ways to Make Money as a Ghostwriter:

  1. Freelancing Platforms: Join Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer to find ghostwriting gigs.
  2. Book Ghostwriting: Write books for clients looking to publish under their names.
  3. Corporate Ghostwriting: Create articles, reports, and speeches for business leaders.
  4. Blog Ghostwriting: Write blog posts for websites and influencers.
  5. Academic Ghostwriting: Assist students and academics with research papers and theses.

Building a Portfolio: 

Even though you can't showcase your ghostwritten work, you can create sample pieces in different genres and styles. Consider offering ghostwriting services at a lower rate initially to build a client base and gain testimonials.

Networking and Marketing: 

Join writing and freelancing groups. Use LinkedIn to connect with potential clients. Attend writing conferences and webinars. A professional website showcasing your services and expertise can also attract clients.

Setting Your Rates: 

Ghostwriters typically charge per word, per hour, or per project. Research market rates and set competitive prices. As you gain experience and build a reputation, you can increase your rates.

Best Platforms to Find Ghost Writing Clients

Finding ghostwriting clients can be a lucrative endeavor if you know where to look. Here are some of the best platforms to find ghostwriting clients:

1. Freelance Job Boards:

  • Upwork: A popular platform where you can create a profile, showcase your portfolio, and bid on ghostwriting projects.
  • Freelancer: Another large platform where you can find various ghostwriting gigs.
  • Fiverr: You can create a gig offering your ghostwriting services. This platform is more suited for shorter projects or for establishing an initial client base.

2. Content Marketplaces:

  • Contently: A high-end content marketplace where you can create a portfolio and be matched with clients looking for quality ghostwriting services.
  • Skyword: Similar to Contently, it connects writers with brands looking for quality content.
  • Scripted: Focuses on freelance writing, including ghostwriting, and connects writers with clients needing various types of content.

3. Professional Networks:

  • LinkedIn: Create a compelling profile highlighting your ghostwriting services. Connect with potential clients and join relevant groups.
  • Mediabistro: A niche job board and career website for media professionals, which occasionally lists ghostwriting opportunities.

4. Writing Communities and Forums:

  • Absolute Write Water Cooler: A forum for writers that has a section for job postings.
  • Reddit (r/HireaWriter, r/freelanceWriters): Subreddits where you can find freelance writing jobs, including ghostwriting gigs.

5. Publishing Platforms:

  • Reedsy: Connects freelance writers, including ghostwriters, with authors and publishers.
  • Ghostwriter Inside: A dedicated platform for ghostwriting services where you can list your profile and attract clients.

6. Social Media:

  • Twitter: Follow and engage with authors, publishing houses, and writing communities. Many freelance opportunities are posted on Twitter using hashtags like #writingcommunity, #amwriting, and #writerforhire.
  • Facebook Groups: Join groups dedicated to writers, freelancers, and ghostwriters. Examples include “Freelance Content Writers and Editors” and “The Write Life Community.”

7. Your Own Website and Blog:

  • Personal Branding: Create a professional website showcasing your ghostwriting services, portfolio, testimonials, and a blog that highlights your writing skills. This can attract direct clients and improve your SEO.

8. Referrals and Networking:

  • Professional Associations: Join associations like the Editorial Freelancers Association (EFA) and the Association of Ghostwriters. These memberships often provide job listings and networking opportunities.
  • Networking Events: Attend writers’ conferences, publishing events, and workshops to meet potential clients and industry professionals.

Combining these platforms and strategies will increase your chances of finding ghostwriting clients. Consistency, a strong portfolio, and effective networking are key to building a successful ghostwriting career.

What are the Most Lucrative Niches for Ghost Writing

The most lucrative niches for ghostwriting vary depending on demand, complexity, and the specific skills required. Here are some of the most profitable niches for ghostwriters:

1. Business and Leadership Books:

  • Executives, entrepreneurs, and thought leaders often hire ghostwriters to pen books that establish their authority and share their insights.
  • Topics include leadership, management, entrepreneurship, business strategy, and personal development.

2. Self-Help and Personal Development:

  • This genre remains popular and can be highly profitable. Clients range from life coaches to motivational speakers.
  • Topics include mental health, wellness, success strategies, productivity, and relationship advice.

3. Memoirs and Biographies:

  • Writing personal stories for celebrities, public figures, and individuals with compelling life experiences can be very lucrative.
  • These projects often involve extensive research and interviews, making them more complex and higher paying.

4. Health and Wellness:

  • Doctors, nutritionists, fitness experts, and health coaches frequently hire ghostwriters to create books, articles, and online content.
  • Topics include diet and nutrition, exercise, mental health, holistic health, and medical advice.

5. Technology and Science:

  • Professionals in the tech and science industries need ghostwriters to explain complex topics in an accessible way.
  • Topics include artificial intelligence, blockchain, cybersecurity, medical advancements, and environmental science.

6. Financial and Investment Advice:

  • Financial advisors, investment gurus, and economists often hire ghostwriters to create content that establishes their expertise.
  • Topics include personal finance, investing, retirement planning, and economic trends.

7. Fiction:

  • While fiction ghostwriting can be competitive, it can also be lucrative, especially for series or high-demand genres.
  • Popular genres include romance, thriller, mystery, science fiction, and fantasy.

8. Real Estate:

  • Real estate professionals and investors hire ghostwriters to create books, articles, and guides that share industry insights and strategies.
  • Topics include property investment, market analysis, real estate trends, and buying/selling advice.

9. Marketing and Sales:

  • Marketing experts and sales professionals often need ghostwriters to produce content that showcases their methods and strategies.
  • Topics include digital marketing, sales techniques, brand building, and customer engagement.

10. Education and Training:

  • Educators, trainers, and e-learning professionals require ghostwriters for textbooks, training manuals, and online course content.
  • Topics include curriculum development, instructional design, educational technology, and professional development.

These niches tend to pay well due to the specialized knowledge required and the impact that well-written content can have on the client's reputation and business. Building expertise in one or more of these areas can significantly increase your earning potential as a ghostwriter.


Ghostwriting offers a unique and profitable way to earn money. By honing your writing skills, building a versatile portfolio, and effectively marketing yourself, you can succeed in this discreet field. 

Whether you choose freelancing platforms, corporate clients, or book ghostwriting, staying professional and adaptable is key to thriving as a ghostwriter.

Reader Question: What type of content would you enjoy ghostwriting the most, and why?

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